Three kind of fools!
salaam (peace) children: "A fool and his gold would soon be parted"! Such simple yet elegant truth. For the fools know not the value of the gold they posses, seeking evermore for other shiny objects. This gold, can be people in our lives, traditions that bond the families and the "human tribe" in the universe made of mostly empty vacuum and dark matter. This gold can be anything humans think they cherish, yet to the fool all that glitters is gold! There is another kind of fool who cares not for any gold whatever, who's only task is to be the clown. His sadness, is always present even in joyful moments, for his loss, began when THE WEAVER WOVE THE FIRST STRING OF LIFE, Nothing else any would have, could ever do! All fools, having lost the gold however, would suffer the same pangs of separation, as the flute of life plays the symphony of us, each a community of 50-60 trillion individuals in the form of this human body("A community of amoebic conscio...