We have come a long way in scientifically proving what the masters and teachers of time have been saying for many centuries. The new term is "ENTANGLEMENT" which, stands for no matter how separate we think we are, in reality there is only one living entity ! Imagine again my child, ONE LIVING ENTITY! No matter what I say outwardly, no matter how I think I have "hid" the actual truth in any matter, no matter how I think, the effects are as it is in my deepest of intentions all over the world. As plain as the nose on my face! The experiments(on-going) at Princeton University have put a new face on how even an inanimate object such as a "Random number generator" can be affected by what the humans collectively think/intently produce in the sphere we call the Firmament/ Earth's atmosphere/ the box we live in within the bigger one called the Milky way which, is yet part of the cluster of galaxies called THE VIRGO CLUSTER! One hateful thought only produces a...