salaam(peace) children; As we grow older, we learn from our mistakes and heed the advice of our elders if we are wise. There are many such lessons that only time can deliver and not a minute sooner. Along the way we even have internal conversations between the lover and the beloved, The Teacher and the student, and if by design or good luck and genes the young student is paying attention, The Teacher has never stopped teaching. The beloved said "your grace IS your strength, know you not this by now?" and the lover sighed "hold me, touch me in most gentle and comforting way, let all my senses and my heart know without any doubt, that I am in your embrace!" So how do I know it is indeed "The Teacher" and not my own head making up stuff, and I can only listen from the inside? Asked a child once to which, the elder replied: " The Teacher, also known by many other names, will always speak softly, never use foul language, and the direction you receive is al...