
Showing posts from 2010


i AM cloud i AM ice i AM the river i make LIFE whole! I AM WATER! I am dressed in a skin this season called "the colorado river" I suffer in this skin that cannot reach HOME for me the only journey is the SEA and in this The Colorado river clothing I am bound and suffecated I die just at the door steps of my home THE SEA! PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE PLEA FOR ME Allas if you but knew that you too will not reach home until i DO! ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY


salaam(peace) children; We know how, we know why, and for the most part we get close enough to the "when" but usually leave the scene as soon as the going requires more than 2 ounces of self discipline and sacrifice.... We see that the coin has two sides, we know that sunshine and happy weather is not permanent, that the gloomy days will come and the ugly is inevitable, yet and still when the dark side of the coin is presented to us (regardless of how), we fall down from the ship of joy and harmony and "choose" to go for the ride on that misery boat. We even go as far as holding on to the dark feelings long after the initial effect. Now then children, bring your ears closer and listen to the secrets of the elders who attained the state of harmony:   If I don't have expectations, I shall not suffer the agony of them not being met. If I catch myself just before a falling down event, I can ride the updrafts which is by nature's laws usually parallel to t...


  I heard it somewhere that "you cannot have a script written in Hell and have angels play the part" if you believe is such things, this is indeed one for the books! I told a drunken man yesterday over a conversation about religion and God "THE SHIT AND THE BEAUTY BOTH COME FROM THE SAME SOURCE, and that's my religion...."  These days my children you all seem so busy trying to forget where your roots are that even a simple invitation to consider that matter sets off a whole slew of garbage from the present!! Generations of our ancestry are just as alive today as yesteryear, the far off look in an old man's eye tell long tails of tomorrows yet to come... All and all however, this "bubble"we reside in was made for philosophizing, else why so many yacking mouths?   ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY


salaam(peace) children; What moves when action takes form? Is it calories? What source, has inertia? Behind all that is in motion either visibly or not, THE SOURCE IS THE CAUSE! Any conversation about any "thing" must lead back to THE SOURCE, we rarely take the time to trace back the workings of a tea bag! Yet my love trace the tea and you will inevitably end up with THE SOURCE! That from which all things emanate from, in as many forms as there are, IS ONLY ONE, INDIVISIBALE, UNCOPREHENDABLE, ININITE COMPLETENESS! Now don't you feel silly about borders and flags? Funnier still is our notion of duality being such an inconvenience to deal with! The best minds seem to be wasted on this separatist outlook on life. Funny how God seems to not care one way or another! ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY
Salam(peace) children; We hope for the best and accept the rest We do not make a pest of our selves We need only GOD's arms for a cozy nest We are the ancient lovers of THE ONE When its all said and done and all aspirations gone We too shall move along with our baggage and lists so long of what was so important At the time so long gone Having seen the face of grace having been entangled in the lace of THE ONE hanging only by a hair as did our masters before us It easily shows on our face traces of time spent in that place of ONENESS ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY


We have come a long way in scientifically proving what the masters and teachers of time have been saying for many centuries. The new term is "ENTANGLEMENT" which, stands for no matter how separate we think we are, in reality there is only one living entity ! Imagine again my child, ONE LIVING ENTITY! No matter what I say outwardly, no matter how I think I have "hid" the actual truth in any matter, no matter how I think, the effects are as it is in my deepest of intentions all over the world. As plain as the nose on my face! The experiments(on-going) at Princeton University have put a new face on how even an inanimate object such as a "Random number generator" can be affected by what the humans collectively think/intently produce in the sphere we call the Firmament/ Earth's atmosphere/ the box we live in within the bigger one called the Milky way which, is yet part of the cluster of galaxies called THE VIRGO CLUSTER! One hateful thought only produces a...


salaam(peace) children; As we grow older, we learn from our mistakes and heed the advice of our elders if we are wise. There are many such lessons that only time can deliver and not a minute sooner. Along the way we even have internal conversations between the lover and the beloved, The Teacher and the student, and if by design or good luck and genes the young student is paying attention, The Teacher has never stopped teaching. The beloved said "your grace IS your strength, know you not this by now?" and the lover sighed "hold me, touch me in most gentle and comforting way, let all my senses and my heart know without any doubt, that I am in your embrace!" So how do I know it is indeed "The Teacher" and not my own head making up stuff, and I can only listen from the inside? Asked a child once to which, the elder replied: " The Teacher, also known by many other names, will always speak softly, never use foul language, and the direction you receive is al...


salam children, click the link below: may you find this work essential to your well being and those you love. May your eyes gaze upon a morning dew drop as clean and clear as the glacier waters, and may that water find its way into your mouths my beautiful children who are seeking..... ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY