
Showing posts from September, 2007


Salaam(peace) children; Ever wonder whose voice is in your head? Consider this my love, we live in our head almost 100% of the time. I put this percentage on it just so you know how much it really is, even though the actual figure maybe a hair less than that. Living, manifesting, being always in our head tangled up with thoughts of what will be or was, in reality my children we are completely ASLEEP to the HERE AND NOW OF OUR LIVES! In fact if you consider this in some loosely awakened time, you may even catch your self wondering in some elsewhere places in your mind even as you are seemingly busy doing other things. Where are you? I mean where do you suppose the real essence of your being is? It certainly is not where your physical body happens to BE, is it? Not if you are elsewhere in your mind !WHEREVER YOU ARE, IF IT IS NOT HERE AND NOW, YOU ARE ASLEEP! CLICK HERE For this reason most masters and teachers have left us tools to keep the wondering mind awakened to the moment. These a...


Salaam(peace) children; We must delete the need to understand if we are to ever be truly free from suffering. I am of course referring to spiritual matters and life in general. After all look at what our attempts at understanding life through science has done! We may have learned a few things about mechanics of this or that object, but got stock in the process with the notion that matter and energy only flow in a bidirectional way! Nothing could be further away from the actual real science of it all. This Newtonian science had its place, but we need to move on children! In the process of "trying" to understand how things work and how we can make machines and chemicals to mingle and interact with the NATURAL WORLD, we lost sight of our origin all together and became slaves to the machines and the chemicals we thought we were creating to make things easier or better. The old paradigms all have to be abandoned and before it is too late we must wake up to the reality that LIFE IS...