
Showing posts from July, 2007

THE CHURCH OF KINDNESS (not incorporated)

Salaam(peace) children; Kindness seems to have such a profound effect on any life form that one could easily say: "Yeah man, let's have a church of KINDNESS"! Is it possible for us to look at all the "WAYS" and "PATHS" without prejudice long enough to see that they all lead to the same center? I want to encourage you my beautiful ones not to get bogged down with details and remember ONENESS is all there is. All motions are only tools in the hands of THE ONE! If not for darkness, light would not be! Most of us seem to think that "Evil" is this force outside of /separate from THE ONE, as if in opposition with a force of its own! How could this be my love? NO-THING can BE outside of ONENESS! Yet my beloved, we struggle because we see in dichotomies as if one coin aught not to have two sides and be one coin, each side only hidden when the other is showing(..and this goes on on a nano second basis!). Almost blasphemous! YET TRUE SERVANTS ONLY SEE ...


Salaam(peace) children; Imagine if you will, a small room with many small peak holes but no obvious door. Through each hole any person may look inside this not so well lit room and gaze upon an object in the center of the room. Depending on which peak hole one gets to look inside from, one will see only as much as the angle of the sight would allow. Imagine now my beautiful ones that the object inside is an elephant, many will see only a dark ripply surface(this elephant is by the way silent at all times) that might even look hard and solid as stone. A very few may even get to see the tusk, which then they would report as the whole object being a white bone like maybe even moving thing. A very, very few still, may happen upon the eye of the elephant and report something like an eye but not so sure as the room is dark, so it could be a hole in a large object that is shiny and glass like, round but not perfectly so. Do you suppose my good ones that any single one will ever know that ther...