
Showing posts from August, 2005
It may seem a funny joke the "Creator" plays on the thinking mind to have the journey become harder and the road rougher the closer one gets to resolution. But that is the prerogative of the MASTER DESIGNER! So don't look for easy stuff on the road to Nirvana(whatever that means to you) but be ready to accept and show up daily with total trust in the DESIGN because otherwise you go mad! If you accept that there is only the SOURCE, then what is your place? Why the concern? Why the separation in thoughts?
What bliss! What Grace! How can one show enough gratitude for having been lifted yet again from the depths of shame and guilt and pain of being in this world to a new hight of beingness! How do say "Thank you!" my love for the certainty? When you and I are one, when this river becomes the Ocean and has its qualities, then perhaps in that embrace of oneness you tell your self thank you for me. For there is no "I" in the "US" then!
....and we came to believe that which was most self serving. We made laws to sustain the economy and made wars if necessary to make certain the flow of energy and fuels to this end. Now comes a new age of choice and God is the "super position of the spirit in all things" as one puts it.
We are going to always have obstacles and challenges. We will have to continue the battle within which is a reflection of the universal macro battle. And maybe battle is not a good word, conflict or the work for total unity and harmony is a better way to say it perhaps. My day and your day will still have to be fruitful or at the least not hindering to this process. I tell you verily my child, this is the only dance happening which is worth dressing up for every single day. NAMASTE'
Let the self be annihilated the closer you feel to the beloved. My love there will be no room for "you" in the presence of the beloved. Knock all you want, but every time you answer "it is I the devoted servant" the reply will be "Come back another time"! No one shall enter. Die then now unto your self before you die in the flesh and loose half of the tool in your hand. There is only ONE SELF, AND IT IS NOT YOU OR I NOR IS IT THE MASTER GURU! As all rivers must become oceans in the end, we too shall be the ocean, but for now be a good flowing river my child and gather knowledge of all things in your path to ONENESS with the ocean.
I pray and hope for what is good and serene to be around me and touch all those who come in the circle. But I no longer preach what I do not act upon. Nor do I hold anyone else responsible for my " feelings" and reactive ways. Just flowing with the TAO which is everywhere.
If we could just grasp the fact that there is ONLY GOD! We would have none of this personal emotional crap to work through. I mean if there is only God then why my ways? If only God, then why worry over lacking? If only God, then why my pain or my pride? All vanity my child, vanity of vanities which you will have to let go of in order to be truely free.
I asked about the road ahead he replied " do not look at the road nor the journey ahead. Do not be concerned either about the distance or what has past, for in reality my child you can only be here NOW! during the journey you willl fall many times and get up again, after each fall a part of you remains behind and you will shed another layer of your old self. Keep walking daily" All that is expected of me is to show up daily for life and be willing.
We do not remember enough to know how we got here. We cannot imagine a life without the body involved even though there is enough evidence (scientific and spiritual) to support the existance of energy bodies made up of stuff that we perhaps yet do not recognize or know about, but non-the less have accepted as "real". For example the aura of human body has been photographed which shows the outline of a body part that is no longer attached to the body, more over the amputy even has some sense of feeling in the area where the appendage was. Now imagine accepting and "knowing" that our thoughts alone can be extended to provide data from otherwise unexplainable bodies which our energies occupy! A Paralell or intertwined beingness about which we have no Carbon based data, therefore "it is not me" I am what I feeeeel and touch and see! Wake up kid you are much more!
Emotions tend to always confuse matters because we really don't know their origin. Am I feeling this way about this person because something new has accrued or is my mind reproducing an image I am somehow "addicted to"? Is love the essence of that or can it be a place other than? All these concerns then in and of themselves become a mentalizing process through which we either strengthen the already running emotional program or create new neuro path ways. Is there a need for the observer? Can I BE without it? I am forever curious about how it all falls in place when and where life needs to fit the gears and round off the corners. What some call a miracle or act of God is just another day in paradise.
Today my child learn to confirm your DIVINITY WITHIN which is greator than your greatest fears and anxieties. Know that as you clean your connection daily to the SOURCE OF DIVINITY WITHIN you are divne in actions serene and humble. Learn to be patient my child by accepting all life's energies as divine. There is a FORCE which flows through you every time you breathe in and out; That FORCE is all able and all knowing, sit and honor your breath my child.
We talked about the emptiness within, He said when you learn to walk with compassion you will know the answer and you will have come to know God from having known your self. Why do I reach here and there for satisfaction, when the answer seems so close? He said, the body is a mold within which the spirit is imprisoned, seeking freedom and a way back home, the spirit will always cry! Seek then my child the WAY HOME daily in all your tasks. Know your self and you have known God! How does one come to know one self? Who is in the driver seat when I am angry? Where is my ultimate place of serenity in my mind? I am my molecules, my brains historical make up and a mold which holds the ULTIMATE TRUTH.
"If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor." Albert Einstein (1879-1955); physicist and mathematician. From the mouths of the great ones short simple senctences say all one needs to hear. Setting elegance aside, how can I tell you my child that there is only God? The moment you give validity to your emotions and relations, to the separateness of your things and their things you have moved away from the UNITY THAT IS GOD.
We are what we think and take into our bodies. Do please be aware my child of all these energies in your life. Let there be energies that enhance your life's peacefulness and joy. If you are where the energies are hindering your joyfulness then learn to do more with what you do have and seek positively charged people and music and activities to balance the poorly charged environment you are in. You cannot blame your way into peacefulness, nor can you find solutions by complaining about what is wrong. KEEP HOPE ALIVE BY GOOD WISHES FOR ALL.